Monday, March 11, 2013

Three Black Swans

by Caroline B Cooney

It all started because Missy's science teacher gave them the assignment to create a hoax. Because Missy thought it would be a great idea to convince everyone that her cousin Claire was actually her identical twin. They'd been told forever how much they looked alike, so they'd be able to convince people easily. But when they do, and when even their closest friends can't tell them apart, they realize that maybe they've stumbled onto more than just a coincidence. Maybe they've stumbled onto a secret that their family has been trying to conceal for years.

As a big fan of Cooney's other works, I was excited to try one of her newer books. Unfortunately this did not live up to my expectations. The story itself is good, if a bit predictable, but the writing itself seemed like it was trying to hard. The characters were not well developed, or not well developed as modern teens. The book read too much like something that was written years ago but someone tried to modernize but didn't know what was really happening at the time. Probably best for younger teens, since older ones will find the sanitized characters too bland.

Genre: Realistic Fiction
Age Level: 6th Grade

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