Monday, January 27, 2014

The Midnight Dress

by Karen Foxlee

Rose is used to travelling with her father; it's not a perfect existence, but she's at least got a system for dealing with it. When they arrive in their latest town, she finds that she's ready for things to change. She doesn't want to keep leaving every time her father runs out of work and goes on a drinking binge. She's made friends and is going to the Harvest Festival. But as she makes her dress for the Festival, with the help of an old lady named Edie, the past and present are set on a collision course which someone won't survive.

I really enjoyed The Midnight Dress. It's a mystery which keeps you guessing until the end. Rose is an interesting character, as is her utterly romantic friend Pearl. The book moves swiftly, keeping the reader engaged until the end. The book takes place in Australia, but you can't really tell too many differences. All in all it's a good read for anyone who likes mysteries.

Genre: Mystery
Age Level: 9th Grade

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