Countdown to the Year 1000
Author: Kate McMullan
Publisher: Edina, Minn. : Spotlight, [2007], c1999.
Plot Description:
The year 1000 is fast approaching, but there is no cheering going on for the new millennium. Instead everyone is worried thanks to the prophecy declaring that the world would end when the clock strikes midnight on the last day of the year 999. But when Count Upsohigh declares that he has a plan to save everyone, a plan that requires everyone to give him their gold, it is up to Wiglaf and his friends at the Dragon Slayer Academy to figure out the truth.
Countdown to the Year 1000 is a fun fantasy book. It is one of a series which all takes place at the Dragon Slayers’ Academy, where young boys and girls learn to become dragon slayers and knights. McMullan creates a very involved world full of new characters with funny names which are all a joke if one looks at them carefully. A great series for tweens interested in fantasy fiction.
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Reading level: 5th Grade
Similar Books: Eragon
Reader’s Advisory:
Personal thoughts- fun series about the middle ages
Subjects/themes- Dragons, Adventure, Prophecies, Time Travel, Fiction
Series information- Part of the Dragon Slayers’ Academy series
Character names/descriptions-
Wiglaf- one of the newest members of the DSA
Zach- comes from the future to tell them that the world won’t end in 1000
Count Upsohigh- has a plan to take all the people’s gold
Annotation: How can you prove the world won’t end?