Friday, April 15, 2011


Author: Carl Hiaasen
Publisher: New York : Alfred A. Knopf, c2002.

Plot Description:
Roy just had to move again. This time from the mountains of Montana to the wetlands of Florida. One day, while riding the bus to school, he notices a boy running. with no shoes. Into the woods. Roy decides to find this kid and become his friend, or at least discover who he is and why he isn't in school like everyone else. But as he gets to know him, he finds out about the boys plan to save the burrowing owls at a construction site, and learns the power of standing up for a good cause.

Well written and engaging, the book is not just about friendship and learning to adjust to a new community, but about the environment and standing up for what is right. The reader learns that grown ups don't always make the right choices, but sometimes kids can help them see where they went wrong. The book captures both the essence of Florida life but also what its like to be a new kid trying to fit in. It will definitely be appealing to tweens, and especially to boys.

Genre: realistic fiction

Reading level: 4-5th grade

Similar Books: Holes

Reader’s Advisory:
Personal thoughts- excellent for boys
Subjects/themes- environmental protection, owls, Florida, friendship
Awards- 2003 Newbery Honor
Character names/descriptions-
            Roy- just moved to Florida and finds more adventure than he thought he would
            Beatrice- bullies Roy until she realizes she could use his help
            Mullet Fingers- Beatrice’s brother who lives in the woods
Annotation: If you had the chance to stand up to a big corporation, would you?

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