The Penderwicks
Author: Jeanne Birdsall
Publisher: New York : Knopf : Distributed by Random House, c2005.
Plot Description:
The 4 Penderwick sisters, their father, and their dog Hound have decided to go somewhere new for vacation this year. But instead of the small cottage they expected to find, they find themselves on a beautiful property called Arundel. Here they get to explore the beautiful gardens and have wonderful adventures, and make a few new friends. But the owner of the estate, Mrs. Tifton, is nowhere near as lovely a person as her gardens. As the Penderwick sisters befriend her son Jeffrey, maybe they will learn to stay out of trouble, or maybe they will cause even more.
A really cute story about 4 very different sisters. The adventures they have together are both sweet and fun, and each sister brings a different perspective to the book, from responsible Rosalind to silly younger sister Batty. They have a strong sense of loyalty to their family and friends and help to change the lives of everyone they meet. I especially liked the meetings of the MOOPS and MOPS. A great story for mid-range tweens.
Genre: Fiction
Reading level: 4th-5th Grade
Similar Books: Aquamarine, Esperanza Rising
Reader’s Advisory:
Personal thoughts- Really cute story about sisters
Subjects/themes- Sisters, Family, Adventure, Fiction
Series information- Part of a series
Character names/descriptions-
Rosalind- the practical eldest Penderwick
Skye- known for he blue eyes, the feistiest of the sisters
Jane- a great writer who is constantly looking for new plots for her character, Sabrina Starr
Batty- the youngest sister, who never takes off her butterfly wings and loves
Jeremy- Mrs. Tifton’s son, who the Penderwick’s show how to have adventures
Cagney- the groundskeeper who Rosalind has a crush on
Annotation: Summertime brings all sorts of adventures to those who look for them.
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